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Compilation of commonly used plugins for IDEA, continuously updated.

Yaien BlogOriginalMay 9, 2023About 1 min工具idea

Compilation of commonly used plugins for IDEA, continuously updated.


Introduction: Automatically generates getters, setters, and toString methods.

You only need to define class properties, let Lombok handle the rest.


@Getter and @Setter
@AllArgsConstructor, @RequiredArgsConstructor, and @NoArgsConstructor
@Log, @Log4j, @Log4j2, @Slf4j, @XSlf4j, @CommonsLog, @JBossLog, @Flogger, @CustomLog
@val and @var experimental

Usage: Apply the aforementioned annotations to your classes.


Introduction: The google-java-format plugin allows automatic code formatting without using specific shortcuts.


Introduction: Translation plugin supporting Google Translate, Baidu Translate, and Youdao Translate. Google Translate is recommended.

Alibaba Java Coding Guidelines

Introduction: Alibaba code style checker. Non-compliant code sections are highlighted with wave underlines, and corresponding suggestions are displayed when hovering the mouse. Some issues can even be quickly fixed.

Leetcode Editor

Introduction: LeetCode plugin for solving coding problems within IDEA. It's truly convenient for sneaking in some algorithmic exercises while appearing to be working diligently.

You can also visit the official LeetCode website.

Jclasslib Bytecode Viewer

Introduction: Viewing the bytecode files of classes.


Introduction: Switching between several string formats. The following formats are supported:

CamelCase: First word lowercase, subsequent words uppercase.

All lowercase with underscore between words.
All lowercase with space between words.
All lowercase with hyphen between words.
Each word with initial uppercase.
All uppercase with underscore between words.

Usage: Hold Shift + Alt and press U repeatedly to convert the selected content's words between underscore, camel case, and uppercase, until the desired format is achieved.

Free Mybatis Plugin

Introduction: Allows navigation from methods in mapper interfaces to corresponding mapper.xml files.

Auto Filling Java Call Arguments

Introduction: Automatic filling of function arguments. When calling pre-defined functions that require parameter input, it is often the case that the variable names align with the parameter names. Manually filling in individual parameters can be time-consuming, especially with a large number of parameters. This plugin solves this problem.


Introduction: Static code analysis tool. It detects potential issues in your code and provides explanations.


Introduction: Generates sequence diagrams based on the call chain, greatly assisting in viewing class invocations and source code.


Introduction: Code completion plugin. Competes with IDEA's code suggestion feature and allows searching for third-party usage of a particular function.

Maven Helper

Introduction: Maven dependency management.


Introduction: Hot deployment plugin. For detailed instructions, refer to: link to tutorial

Last update: 3/9/2024, 11:11:30 AM
Contributors: yanggl